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Monday, October 12, 2009

Luang Phor Koon Wat Ban Rai B.E 2517

(上图)龙婆坤于B.E 2517所制金属自身牌
The most popular and famous batch of Luang Phor Khoon's amulet are : 1st batch 2512 Wat SaKaeo (วัดสระแก้ว), B.E 2517 and 2519 Wat Ban Rai.

The above amulet is copper Rian B.E 2517 blessed by Luang Phor Khoon.
Copper produce 99,999 units
Nawak produce 2,500 units

The devotees believe Luang Phor Koon has great magic powers and Luang Phor Khoon's fame reached new heights in B.E 2535-2538, when a woman was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed hotel clutching an amulet with his image on it. Stories abound of Khoon followers who have won the lottery.

Luang Phor Khoon
Luang Phor Khoon (หลวงพ่อ คูณ) the abbot of Wat Ban Rai (วัด บ้าน ไร่) was born on 4th October B.E 2466 in year of pig.

Luang Phor Khoon ordain at age of 21 on 5th May 2487 (some book say in B.E 2486) at Wat Thanon Hak Yai (วัวัด ถนนหัก ใหญ่), Nakhon Ratchasima province.

Phra Kru Atigahn Torng Suk was his dhamma teacher. At the same time, Luang Phor Khoon also learn dhamma, sammahdti and Wichah (magic) from Luang Phor Daeng, the abbot of Wat Ban NongPho (วัด บ้าน หนองโพธิ์) and Luang Phor Kong, the previous abbot of Thanon Hak Yai (some book also say that Luang Phor Khoon already learn from Luang Phor Kong before he ordain as buddhist Monk).

Luang Phor Koon became a disciple of Luang Por Kong who was in fact a forest monk, whom he was to accompany on long journeys in the jungles and forests. Besides dhamma and sammahdti, Luang Phor Kong also taught Luang Phor Koon Wichah (magic) and tye technique of inserting takrut into a person's arm.

Luang Phor Koon personally insert the takrut under the arm for the devotees since B.E 2493. These takrut were well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta and as well as KongKraPan. Now Luang Phor Koon had stopped help devotees insert tarkut due to poor health.


B.E 2517龙婆坤属自身牌总制99,999粒铜牌
而铜牌还细分为普通模跟Block Nawak (九宝铜模),当然这2种模的价钱也不同。

现任Wat Ban Rai主持龙婆坤出生于佛历2466年10月4号,猪年。龙婆坤到了21岁时,即佛历2487年5月5号,在泰国东北部的Nakhon Ratchasima(那空叻差色玛府,原名-呵叻府)Wat Thanon Hak Yai正式出家为僧(有些书则指师傅出家于佛历2486年).

龙婆昆除了跟Phra Kru Atigahn Torng Suk学习佛法外同时也向其他导师学习佛法,禅定跟法术,像:Wat Ban NongPho主持Luang Phor Daeng 和Thanon Hak Yai前主持Luang Phor Kong。(有些书则指龙婆坤在Thanon Hak Yai出家前就向龙婆空-Luang Phor Kong学习佛法跟禅定了)。

龙婆空(Luang Phor Kong)当时是森林派修行和尚, 所以龙婆坤也随她的导师龙婆空一起在在森林行腳修行. 在修行期间龙婆空也传授了龙婆坤一些法术跟使用跟制作金符筒的法门。

龙婆坤师傅的金符筒传承自龙婆空, 而龙婆坤师傅的金符筒后来也是相当的出名!

自佛历2493龙婆坤就已经为信徒"打"金符筒了,师傅会把金符筒植入手臂的皮肤下层,据说龙婆坤的金符筒即有能刀枪不入,不能伤害的功能(KongKraPan)跟增加Metta (魅力,招财) 的功效哦。

只可惜近年来师傅年事已高加上身体状况不理想, 所以龙婆坤已经不再为信徒们"打"金符筒了。

当然除了金符筒外,龙婆坤的头帮,2,3 帮 即B.E2512, 2517, 2519所加持的金属自身牌也是相当有名且具收藏价值。

龙婆坤所加持的佛牌也发生了很多奇迹事件,所以师傅的佛牌圣物在泰国是非常的抢手。在许多的奇迹事件中要属1993年泰国某酒店坍塌事件较广为人知,事件中酒店发生坍塌, 而一名女子却活著從20呎的廢墟瓦礫之下活着出来, 而她手中握着的是龙婆坤师傅的金属自身牌。

事件2: 1993年,泰國一工廠發生火警。一名正在上班的女工,為逃離火場,不惜從三樓窗門跳下來, ,但竟然無任何損傷。她說,在跳下來的一刻,眼前只見一道光芒,這樣就跳到地上。她同樣認為,那是大師的佛牌救了她。


(上图)现今泰国国王-九世皇(右)普密蓬·阿杜德(Bhumibol Adulyadej),跪见龙婆坤(左)师傅国王普密蓬也是当今世上在位最久的君主.


wlitlit said...

do you sell amulet??
do you have an e-mail address which I can contact you??

Stewart Chin [Bicycle] said...

hi wlitlit,

nope.... :)

庆同 said...
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庆同 said...

LP KHOON的这粒牌有出售吗?如有麻烦你e-mail 我...TQ

Stewart Chin [Bicycle] said...

庆同 不好意思刚DELETE你的EMAIL 哈不然你会收到一堆Junk Mail :)

牌没卖啦 大家交流交流就好啦
我记得你也收很多Luang Phor 坤的牌
有空拿出来给我欣赏 :)

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