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Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thuad (Ha Chea) B.E 2538 - By Luang Phor Daeng
The above luang phor thuat amulet "Ha Chea" blessed by Luang Phor Daeng abbot of Wat ShiMaHaPhor, Pattani province during B.E 2538.
Luong Phor Daeng was born in B.E 2445 18th June, he was ordained as a monk at age of 21. Luong Phor Daeng passed away at 94 years old and having served Buddhism for 73 years.
This Luang Phor Thuat amulets "Ha Chea" were named so because of armed robbery case at Yala district:
2 armed gunmen tried to rob 610000 Bht from 2 bank staff and they totally shots 5 times at the 2 bank employee but both gunmen failed to fire! The bank employee was indeed wearing luang phor thuat B.E 2538 amulet by Luang Phor Daeng.
"Ha Chea" - "Ha" means 5 in thai language and "Chea" is the gun trigger sound effect.
此帮龙婆托佛牌是当年由Pattani, Wat ShiMaHaPhor (วัด ศรี มหา โพธิ์) 的主持Luang Phor Daeng (หลวง ปู่ แดง) 有尊称他为Phor Than Daeng (พ่อ ท่าน แดง)师傅于佛历2538年所制作的"Ha Chea" . Luang Phor Daeng出生于六月18号佛历2445 年 ,21岁正式出家历经了73年和尚生涯于二月27日8.17分, 圆寂享年94岁。
B.E 2538 Ha Chea龙婆托佛牌共有2 个模,上图佛牌为 Gamagan模,另一种为三角型的普通模。此帮佛牌为粉制草药佛牌后面放了一种名为 PetNaTang (เพชร หน้า ทั่ง)的金属.
Luang Phor Daeng, Wat ShiMaHaPhor所制的龙婆托佛牌大多有放PetNaTang (เพชร หน้า ทั่ง) 金属所以这也是其中一个容易辨认Luang Phor Daeng师傅所制佛牌的标记。
PetNaTang的灵力接近大家所熟悉的聖鐵-lekLai(流铁). 相传PetNaTang这神奇的金属埋在一座山中,是有神灵守护的矿石. 要挖掘PetNaTang这类神奇金属需要特别方门, 如果不懂方法自己去挖掘的人可要注意了!那些不清楚方法而随便去挖掘PetNaTang的人都可能遭遇不幸而死亡。
龙婆托Ha Chea名字的由来...
话说十多年前yala府, 当时有2名银行职员(在此暂称为A,B)因公而携带了约610000 Bht而被2名枪匪相中.其中一名枪匪向其中一名银行职员A连开了3枪,奇怪的是枪可以射但是子弹却射不出枪膛!
另外一个银行职员B,看到这样的情况,就过来帮忙反抗。而另外一名枪匪也掏出手枪来并向该名银行职员了连开2枪!奇迹再度发生! 子弹也同样不能射出!
2名枪匪徒当时立刻发觉情况不对, 认为这2名银行职员应该好料在身所以马上逃之夭夭了. 而银行职员戴的就是Luang Phor Daeng所制的B.E2538年的龙婆托佛牌。而HaChea (๕ แชะ ) 之名由此而来。
Ha为泰语๕译音,是5的意思, Chea是为卡弹的声。 因为枪匪连开5枪都卡弹! 所以HaChea就是5次卡弹声"Chea..Chea..Chea..Chea...Chea".
所以当时师傅所制的2538 HaChea可谓红极一时。
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ReplyDeletekong ling, 来送我 哈
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone, Not sure anyone can find this amulets of LP Deang of Wat SiMahaPhor or not. Not only this model or Phim but most of this famous Phim from 2518 ~ 2538. I have most of them and purchase from the temple it self.
ReplyDeleteI have 2518 rectangle LP Thuad (LP Thuat knee down side view) and a few sizes. small, medium, big and special mould.
I have also teh Chek chek kamakarn version ()back planted phinatang nad takrut)
I have also Lp Deang Made LP Thuad (Phim Parot white and black). Medals as well or in Thai people called it as rian.
I have also the Jumbo LP Thuad with 5 takrut at teh back (1 gold, 2 silver and 2 copper). I have also 3 takrut in front as well.
As i said, i have most of the models made by LP Deang. I would say 98% of model i had with my and not only 1 piece per model. I have more than 10s per moddel.Believe it or not is up to you...:-)
How take this order ???