Monday, November 23, 2009

Roop Lor Run LeK B.E 2519 By Phra Archan Nam, Wat DonSaLa

Phra Archan Nam (พระอาจารย์ นำ) of Wat DonSaLa Born in B.E 2434 August (Friday). He learn magic spell from Archan Thong Tao (Wat Kao Or) and passed away at 25 October 2519.

The purpose of making Roop Lor Archan Nam B.E 2519 batch was raise funds to build new building at Wat DonSaLa (วัด ดอนศาลา). The Roop Lor B.E 2519 batch(1st batch) was made with 3 different type material:
1. Gold (bottom with Gold Seal)
2. Silver (bottom with Silver Seal)
3. NaWak LoHa (bottom with Silver Seal)

阿占南师傅(Wat DonSaLa)出生于B.E2434年8月星期5圆寂于2519年十月25日,享年85岁。阿占南师承Wat KaoOr的Archan Thong Tao而 阿占南自身牌主要以避险闻名.

此帮阿占南 B.E 2519小金身主要是为寺庙筹建经费做扩建用途,并分3种材料:
Rian Archan Nam B.E 2519 (Niyom)
(the above photo) The survivor believe his amulet saves his life in gun shoot. He is wearing Rian Archan Nam B.E 2519.

Archan Tong Tao of Wat Kao Or (Pass Away At B.E 2470)

1 comment:

  1. What price for "Roop Lor Run Lek BE2519 by Phra Archan Nam
