1st Batch(Run Rek) B.E 2516 roop muang (pump type mini statue) of Luang phor mun (หลวงพ่อ หมุน) of Wat KhaoDeang (วัด เขาแดง), Phatthalung.
"PhraKroo Ta Woon Chai Kun", Phor Than mun or Luang Phor Mun YaSaRoh (หลวงพ่อ หมุน ยสโร) the abbot of Wat KhaoDeang (east). He is one of the famous monk at Phatthalung Province.
Luang phor mun born at 6th April B.E 2440 (year 1897) Saturday. Luang phor mun formerly ordain at age of 20 in B.E2460, 10th of May and given name "YaSaRoh". B.E 2490 Luang phor mun was appointed become the abbot of Wat Khao Deang (east) and year BE 2525 he was conferred the title "PhraKroo Ta Woon Chai Kun" and he passed away in B.E 2526 10th January at the age of 86years old.
上图师傅自身牌为Wat KhaoDeang的主持师傅龙婆曼(luang phor mun) 的第一期佩戴型小金身,此牌制于佛历2516年为数约为3千粒.
龙婆曼出于佛历2440年(即西历1897年),泰南的趴他龙府. 佛历2460年5月10日当年Luang phor mun20岁时,正式出家为僧,赐名YaSaRoh (ยสโร).
佛历2490年被委任为Wat KhaoDeang主持,佛历2525年册封为"PhraKroo Ta Woon Chai Kun", 次年佛历2526年(西历1983年)圆寂,享年86岁.
Luang phor mun 于泰法战争及世界二战年间, 也常受邀参与各种佛牌的开光加持仪式,所以师傅当年常奔走泰南的趴他龙府Phatthalung,宋卡府Shongkla 和北大年符Pattani一带为佛牌开 光.
Luang phor mun 当年Luang phor mun 曾追随泰南archan Tong Tao (Wat KaoOr主持) 学习法术与阿占南,阿占潘,luang phor kloi的师傅阿占Yiad分属同门师兄弟. 除此之外Luang phor mun也精通巴利文,高棉语Kom跟医术. 当年Luang phor mun于趴他龙省为当地的信众医病解难所以很受当地信众欢迎.
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